Monday, November 1, 2010

Stumbleupon & Delicious are Really “Delicious”

“Have you ever searched for certain information on the internet but instead of getting things that you actually need, you are arrested by time checking one-by-one irrelevant search results with annoying webpage full of irritating ads that loads sluggishly slow and consuming your precious bandwidth?”

Websites, webpages, webtools, webservices are among my able-to-mention features of the internet. Internet feature developers or more popular being called web developers are those who are utilizing internet networking service to publish their creative ideas or services. Not to forget to mention that tons of small and corporate businesses have also jumped online to seek potential consumers by disseminating their virtual advertisement in every space they could possibly afford to stick their logos and attract the internet users to pay a visit to their homepage. Today, this internet has been a comfortable nest for online ads raising revenue that actually outnumbered the ads of other media. Revenue wise this is very potential, but for content-wise, this is annoying.

Search Engines has a mechanism to find keywords of related queries from certain available tags or scripts hosted by a web page. SEO or Search Engine Optimization, the term used in web developing realm to increase chance of webpages' keywords picked by a search engine to be lined-up in search results are actually a trick to fool search engine users to get what they don't want. This is dark side of Internet.

Now, getting back to my headline, Stumbleupon and delicious, as these tools have been discussed intensively in the class disscussion before, are among the solutions to get rational search results of a query. These two tools are not as smart as the giant search crawlers that we have been using for some years. However, they tend to give solution to the needs of relevant search results and the avoid-me-from-junks searching experiences. Stumbleupon is a discovery engine that works quite similar to search engine, but instead of crawling to zillion tons of websites pages, it crawls within its own database. Is it the same with web directory service? Yes, but No. The good part of this website is the original intention of sharing the webpage link within its own members similar to community link sharing. Each user who has joined the Stumbleupon community has options whether to recommend a website/webpage or not. Later, the website recommended by a user will be rated by visiting hit of the community users happened to visit the page and also by the so called machine learning. Stumbleupon machine learning engine has an ability to learn users personal preference of type of specific information. Later, by having lots of stumble! you will likely get the most relevant information that suits your need.

Firefox users can install this addon from this link

Delicious is a social bookmarking service. The idea was very creative, which enables internet user to share their favorite webpage/links to other internet users out there. Besides of sharing bookmarks of a web page, the tool also provide hit counter of how many delicious members saved the same web links. This feature is very informative as it gives you the detail of who are the members who saved the link, thus later to search similar type of information, a user can visit the member's delicious page and have a peek of thing that become his/her interest. As in the class task, we are encouraged to visit other classmates Delicious page to see what they have bookmarked so far, have a reflection of how excited you become finding websites that you have never thought that they exist before you browsed your classmates' page.

A hint to make these two services to work at best is to combine them. I would recommend my classmates to signup for an account on both aforementioned websites. Once you have the account, you can install the addons that will really save your time in accessing them. I mostly use stumbleupon to discover the websites, and once I found them good enough, I save them to my delicious page. Remember, that using stumble upon is very effective to find a website, but rarely you will stumble upon the same website twice. So, always bookmark the favorite discoveries before you lost their trace.

I hope this post will give you better experience in browsing the internet.

Best regards,

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